Free Kitten Giveaway!
Welcome to our FREE kitten giveaway page. We know many people come to this site and dream about someday owning one of these kittens but know in reality that it is just a dream and will never be able to purchase one. This “pay it forward” movement is publicly posted in hopes that it may provoke a random act of kindness in your own life and that huge ripple will continue.
- As we move forward with our free kitten giveaway we would like to remind everyone of a few things:
First and foremost, we have done this several times in the past with great success and do not need advice on how to conduct the contest. We are VERY thorough at approving the final winner as we are with all of our paying clients. - Although we wish we could give everyone a kitten, we kindly ask that you understand we are only giving one kitten away.
- We ask that you understand the winner is responsible for travel expresses to get the kitten to you. (We live in Unionville, MO.) Basic shipping is $500, deluxe shipping is $600, and picking the kitten up in Unionville, Mo. is 100% FREE. Please do not enter the contest if you are not willing to pay travel expenses or have any means of picking the kitten up.
- Please understand WE are the ones who will select the free kitten; however, we will give the winner the option of choosing the gender they wish.
- The kitten will come spayed/neutered.
- We will have a first, second, and third running up should the first winner not follow through and so on.
- The winner will be required to sign a legally binding contract stating they will provide photos once they have taken possession of the kitten, these photos can and will be uploaded to the Internet.
- We will require your veterinarian’s address and phone number to ensure your legitimacy and sincerity.
- The will be announced Friday, August 23, 2019.
- This contest is for U.S. residents only.
Please be advised this website is our storefront for our “Kittens For Sale” and any inquiries related to the free giveaway will NOT be answered through our email address, website contact form or primary online kitten application form, doing so will immediately disqualify you. The ONLY way to enter the contest is through the form below.
There are three chances for you to enter the contest.
Thank you all for your interest in our kittens and kindness before and after the kitten giveaway, if we have a pleasant experienced, we may repeat the contest at Christmas time.
Good luck to everyone!