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Doll Face Persian Kittens Reviews – The Bentsen Family

Doll Face Persian Kittens Reviews 

The Bentsen Family’s Experience with Doll Face Persian Kittens

Hi Everyone!
I thought you might like to hear how Picasso is doing. To tell you that he is gorgeous, wonderful and simply delightful is something you already know and hear a lot about from everyone else who has been lucky to acquire a kitten from you… Yes, he is all those things… but, what his presence has done for my other cat Raja and our daily lives after the loss of our Himalayan Shadowfax is worth telling. Raja and I were very saddened, I did not know how to help him other than cuddle him a lot.
When Dante arrived, he seemed to intuitively know that Raja was hurting and he gradually and patiently won him over. It took a while but, he never gave up, he knew just how far to try each time…! It was a happy feeling to watch Raja relax, play, run with Dante and become the young and happy cat he used to be… You must believe this, I made sure that Raja was not around when I spent time with Dante, then I began to notice that Dante would look around before jumping up next to me for his special times…! I don’t worry about jealousies anymore. They simply belong with each other. Funny enough, they both seem to think that the grass is greener on the other one’s plate so… after eating half their own portions, they switch and finish each other’s food…!
We love them very much and we are grateful for this not so little piece of heaven we got from you.
Love you,
Bentsen Family

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